2009年12月21日 星期一

Woh Woh's Christmas Carol

孤獨老人窩窩又再次如常渡過他的聖誕假期。每年,在這個普天同慶的佳節裏, 都只有忠心的文員助手和年輕朝氣的姪兒, 相伴在他的身邊。這都是因為史高治平日那種淫賤而且貪婪的壞脾氣所致, 嚇走了他身邊所有親戚好友……一個月黑風高的平安夜晚, 三隻分別代表『過去』、『現在』以及『未來』的聖誕精靈悄悄造訪,帶領史高治走遍童年及現代,誓要令他重新認識佳節背後,那個經已被遺忘的真正意義……究竟窩窩在這趟時間旅途上,會遇見甚麼神奇之事?佳節的唯一意義,就是敎人傳遞─愛。
Lonely elderly people Wowo again as usual through the Christmas holidays of his. Every year, to celebrate the festive season in years, have only loyal clerical assistant and nephew of young energetic children, to accompany his side. This is because the normal rule that the history of 'mature', and the greedy bad temper caused him scared off all the relatives and friends ... ... one-month high of peace sinister wind at night, over the last three representing 'past', 'now'and 'future' Christmas spirits quietly coming to visit, and lead high-governance traveled childhood history and modern, vowing to make him re-understanding of the festive season behind it, that has been forgotten the true meaning of what Wo Wo ... ... tour of the time in the journey, you'll meet a magical thing? The only significance of the festive season, that is, passing love to people.

