2009年12月21日 星期一

Sherlock Woh Woh

著名作家窩窩爵士筆下最受歡迎的角色 – 福爾窩窩和他的好拍檔窩生再度面對棘手奇案。福爾窩窩不僅擁有非凡才智,功夫亦十分了得,今次他將會與復仇者硬拚,拆解一個足以毀滅整個國家的致命陰謀。
Pen writer Sir Woh Woh's most popular roles - Sherlock Woh Woh and his partners for Wohson once again face the difficult mystery. Sherlock Woh Woh not only has an extraordinary talent, his skills are very terrible, this time he will work with the Avenger recklessly, dismantling a level sufficient to destroy the whole country fatal conspiracy.

